Wednesday, May 8, 2013

18 month wellness check

Today we had Alyzea's 18 month wellness check(at 19 months). Everything physically is going good. She weighs 24lbs, and is 31.75 ins long. 

Right now the main concern that the doctor has is her developmental issues. So the doctor wants her to have a hearing test and have early on come in and evaluate her. So its a waiting game. 

Next month we go to the cardiologist and see how well her heart is doing. 
(really short post this time lol)


  1. What kind of developmental issues does she have?

  2. She only says mamma, but along with that everything and everyone is mamma. She doesnt point at things she wants or to body parts. She ignores other children. When I call her name she ignores us. The list goes on.

    1. Yeah my daughter doesn't talk either. She has just started walking so they don't want to start speech therapy yet, but we may have to do that at some point. Good luck, keep us updated on her progress.
