Monday, April 8, 2013

Ear infections, pneumonia, and allergic reaction OH MY!!!

Yep just like the title says Aly has had all three in a week.

Sitting with mommy and Bella
Last Wednesday morning at 12 am Aly woke up majorly congested. It was so bad she ended up getting sick and bringing up alot of the drainage she had. Mommy and Aly also ended up sleeping in a chair because she just couldnt sleep in her crib even with it prop up. She also ended up getting a fever around noon that day. So I took her to the ER because we couldnt get into the doctors. At the ER we found out that she had a double ear infection and an URI. They did a Chest Xray and the radiologist thought she may have the beginnings of pneumonia but the ER doctor told me that she didnt. We were sent home with Amoxicillin and told to follow up with her family doctor.

Because I didnt feel comfortable with someone saying she had pneumonia and then someone saying she didnt I called her family doctor and got her an appt. for Thursday and I also got a copy of her Xrays to have her family doctor look at.  . All Wednesday she kept fighting her fever. It didnt seem to want to go below 101 and the highest her temp got was 103.7. She wasnt sleeping good at all and so her and mommy slept in a chair again. When we got to the doctors I gave the nurse the CD and asked if she could have the doctor look at the xrays before she came in. Well the doctor came in not long after that and told us she didnt need to look at the CD because the final report that came in said she did have pneumonia in her upper left part of her lung. She told us to stay on top of the tylenol and motrin for 24 hours straight. Tylenol every four and motrin every six hours, and if by friday at 4 pm it still hasnt gone down we were to call the office back. Well that night her fever broke and we were able to move to our beds in the early morning. 

All weekend long she has been doing great. She has been her happy little self and with how she has been acting you would never had known that she was sick. 

She had a follow up today at her doctors and when we got there we noticed that Aly had a rash all over her stomach and back. When the doctor got into the room we showed her the rash and it turns out that Aly is allergic to Amoxicillin. So she was taking off of that and put on Kelflex(sp?). Her lungs sounded great so the pneumonia has pretty much cleared up, but her right ear drum is still bulging out so her ear infection hasnt cleared up in that ear yet.  

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